Hi Jim

I'm not that far off retirement myself. I am away from Friday for 10
days. I hope there will be enough interest stacked up by the time I
return to make it a goer. Building things is good therapy so keep coding


On Wed, 2008-01-16 at 13:20 -0600, Jim Rogers, W4ATK wrote:
> Bob I am a retired senior systems analyst and would be most interested in 
> taking part in such an activity. I have programmed in assembler, basic, 
> pascal, C, Visual Basic and of course that dinasaur COBOL (ugh!). Currently 
> I have been exploring OS X and Xcode. Old programmers never die, they just 
> code away. Please keep me posted.
> 73s Jim, W4ATK
> http://web.mac.com/jimrogers_w4atk
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Bob Cowdery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Reflector Flex-Radio" <flexRadio@flex-radio.biz>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 4:43 PM
> Subject: [Flexradio] A proposal
> > Hi all
> >
> > If you are not in the slightest interested in delving into some of the
> > software engineering behind all the wonderful SDR hardware available
> > then please disregard this message.
> >
> > The purpose of this message is to gauge interest in learning how to
> > apply Erlang to SDR implementations. Anybody who has been following
> > along with the messages on the various forums must be aware that Erlang
> > is an integral part of some future architectures. I happen to believe in
> > its capabilities and therefore want to promote its use. I am not
> > implying that what I am doing is in any way the actual implementation of
> > that future, just that it's a good base from which to start learning.
> >
> > My proposal would be along the following lines. A set of tutorial based
> > sessions with supporting software and text. These would be delivered
> > over Skype or some other similar forum. The sessions would build up to a
> > working radio using the building blocks that I have developed. Each
> > component (primarily the Erlang parts) of the architecture would
> > therefore be explained in detail and thus the Erlang language would be
> > taught by example after perhaps a primer session. The intention would be
> > not just to explain what is there but to enable experimentation by
> > building new parts to plug into the architecture and explore ways to
> > improve and enhance the design.
> >
> > I would expect to cover the following topics.
> >
> > 1. Why Erlang? Installation of Erlang, dev tools and a language primer.
> > 2. Context, how the Erlink-SR architecture fits together. How messages
> > are routed.
> > 3. The message routing component explained with a test harness to
> > experiment with.
> > 4. Linking to C code. How do linked-in drivers work. How is data
> > marshaled between the Erlang and C sides. An explanation of the Erlang
> > 'C' helper library. Supported with simple examples to play with.
> > 5. The main data handing components explained and the use of shared
> > memory. All these use linked-in-drivers to acquire, process and output
> > sample data. Simple test harnesses will be used to exercise these
> > components.
> > 6. The Mnesia database explained and the radio database API with a test
> > harness to exercise the database.
> > 7. The Erlang bindings to wxWidgets explained with some simple
> > stand-alone UI examples. The integration of wxErlang with Erlink-SR with
> > a walk-through of the pattern for creating new widgets and how they
> > interact with the system.
> > 8. Driving the hardware, a walk through the hardware component and a
> > test harness to exercise it.
> > 9. Putting it all together. The OTP (Open Telecomms Platform). The FSM
> > (the OTP FSM behaviour, not to be confused with anything else going by
> > that name) at the centre of the system, what it does and how it does it.
> > The system startup and shutdown.
> > 10. Running the radio. What's missing and discussions of how to address
> > the missing parts and build out new capability.
> > 11. A quick look at the Java integration using erlink-j.
> >
> > You should come out of this knowing a lot about Erlang and have an SDR
> > system you understand sufficiently to be able to experiment with and
> > contribute to. A couple of provisos. The system is not finished yet but
> > there is enough there to run the sessions and to run a receiver (SDR1000
> > only at the moment) under Windows. The C code is not ported to Linux yet
> > so if you have only Linux you won't be able to run everything. You will
> > need to have had some programming experience to get full benefit but you
> > should be able to follow along and try the built examples without any
> > previous experience.
> >
> > Now for the crunch. Obviously, this would involve me in a lot of effort
> > and I would be looking to cover some of my time by charging a nominal
> > fee per session. I would want to keep that very low, maybe something
> > like $10 a session. If there are enough people interested to make it
> > viable I will make it happen.
> >
> > A final plea. I don't want to start any discussions about technologies,
> > operating systems etc. Please don't use this message as a bouncing
> > board.
> >
> > 73
> > Bob
> > G3UKB
> > http://www.g3ukb.co.uk  (there is a problem with my ISP at the moment so
> > the web site is unavailable, but hopefully fixed soon).
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
> > FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz
> > http://mail.flex-radio.biz/mailman/listinfo/flexradio_flex-radio.biz
> > Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
> > Knowledge Base: http://kb.flex-radio.com/  Homepage: 
> > http://www.flex-radio.com/
> > 

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