Mike & Don,

Nice to hear another SKCC member is using the FLEX-5000A.

Ditto on all the symptoms you are experiencing. I have the same problems and
haven't found a solution, but only a work around. I use a COM port on my
motherboard for CW input. Many motherboards today don't have any serial
ports at all. But I have been able to successful use the 5000A on CW that
way. Refer to the manual for the connections.

I have been unable to get any straight key, bug, or even paddles to work on
the rear jack. But I have been able to get straight keys and bugs to work
with the COM port. I haven't wired the COM port to work with paddles, but it
probably would work.

The serial port is not the preferred connection, and Flex officially
recommends that the rear CW port be used. I am waiting for Flex to find a
fix for the problem. Apparently the issue occurs for a minority of the

Eric has asked me to send him some info on my system, meaning they are
working to address it. I have a local friend with the 5000A who does not
have the problem. I plan to try on it his PC tomorrow evening. If my 5000A
doesn't work with the rear CW jack on his PC, then I will ship it back for
warranty work. If it does work, I have some real troubleshooting to do on my

Hopefully I'll find a resolution that will benefit other 5000A CW ops.


Steve N6VL

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Walsh
Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2008 7:34 PM
To: flexradio@flex-radio.biz
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] CW operation problem


The 5000A definitely has problems with the CW key input.

When using an external keyer or straight key it's important to wire only the
tip and leave the ring unconnected. Sleeve to ground of course. See comments
on this elsewhere on this reflector.

With the plug wired this way and any of the 1.10.4 PowerSDR versions I get
good results with my two external keyers (WKUSB and PicoKeyer).

I tried using the internal keyer but never did get reliable results so for
iambic sending have been exclusively using the external keyers with "iambic"
unchecked in PowerSDR.

Straight keys are iffy and forget about using a bug.


Mike - ke5akl

>Sun, 17 Feb 2008 17:53:46 -0800

>There must be a well kept secret to successfully use cw on the 5000a.  
>I have tried both - paddle directly into the 5000a and a keyer.  In 
>either case I have found the cw gets "hosed" up e.g. a dash becomes a 
>loooong dash or a dit doesn't.  This is frustrating to say the least 
>because I can not rely on cw being sent correctly whether I am 
>connected directly with a key or through a keyer.

>I have followed everything listed in the manual without success.

>Don - kx9q
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