Hi all,

Have three questions about mics, but first let me say I'm a cw guy thru
and thru.  Grew up on Telegraph Rd.     Claim it permanently warped me...
 (Absolutely true, Telephone Rd. ran parallel to Telegraph Rd a mile

Still I do like to have a mic for each rig.  Just haven't bothered to buy
for my 1K.  So here are the questions:

1.  Given that the PowerSDR equalizer has a built in preamp and 10 bands
of equalization, why does it make a hoot what's used for a mic? Just
equalize and heat to taste...

2.  About a 6 months ago a Radio Shack mic was recommended.  Can anyone
remember the Model Number?

3.  One of the neat things about the Panadapter is you can actually see
the SSB waveforms.  It astounds me at the number of SSB sigs out there
with huge amounts of bass boost.  Is there a reason?  I seem to remember
that most of the intelligence in a voice signal is in the high frequency

Thanks in advance for helping out CW guy!

vy 73


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