Big time improvement.
And the settings below even work in 192K for me.
I'm not a QSK type.
The relay chatter is too annoying in contesting or dxing. (amp relays)
So I keep my Delay around 150ms
At 192K, still a pop or crackle occasionally.
I can live with it when the DX station has a big spread QSX and I need to see 
the station worked.

Ed Russel and Steve Nance are my heros. They have made my Flex5Ka a 
contesting/dxing machine.
now if they could just write software to raise the SFI. <smile>
I can't hear that XW1B on 30 cw <frown>

Also all the guys at Flex, don't want to leave them out.

With their software I presently have running.
DDTu powering: & (controlling Quadra)
    DXLabs Suite of Commander, SC, DXK, WW, DXV(rotor control)
   Writelog for the Volta Contest
VE7CC's cluster frontend feeding SC and DXBase

CPU use about 30-35% on a 3.2meg quad core Dell

On 5/11/2008 7:10:09 AM, John Sweeney ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> CW ops, give the new w2rf SVN a try!    There is significant improvement
> in
> full QSK performance.      Ed , W2RF, even posted an updated SVN at 5AM
> Sunday morning.  Ed must dream about this stuff.
> Now with no audio pops or crackles on the TR/RX transition.
> Can't quite
> hear between the elements of a letter at 26wps, but can hear between
> letters.   Set sidetone level at same level as AF sounds best.
> Settings:    audio-  96K/256    ( 48K/256  is good too),       DSP buffer-
> 4096/256   ,    Delay 10ms ,  Ramp(MS)  3 or 4    weight 55
> John, N3WT
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ed Russell
> Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2008 8:10 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Flexradio] w2rf update 2 for CW ops
> CW Flexers,
> I've
> again made some significant changes to the QSK response. Let me
> know of any questions or problems.
> Available in the SVN w2rf branch.
> 73 Ed W2RF
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