I keep at least 3 variants of PWSDR
as you noted the 'official release 1.10.4'
and then W2RF's version, and also Bob Tracy's svn
I also run the 'test' svn when some of Ed's or Bob's new features are 'merged' 
to make sure I have them set up correctly

so that I can test various items for each.

When not 'testing' I normaly use the W2RF svn for contesting as I use the 
Navigator for frequency adjustment and the mouse on the Writelog monitor 
contest exhanges/rotor control.

And of course I run Steve's DDTu so that I can run all the programs off the 
same comports with my logging program alerting me if a new band/mode station 
should appear on the cluster.

And yes...sometimes I HAVE clicked on the wrong Icon and wondered why something 
wasn't working the way I expected.
In fact I do it far more often than sometimes. <duh>

Fortunately the gurus put that "do you really want to run multiple instances of 
the same PWSDR" warning in.  

On 6/6/2008 2:32:22 PM, Neal Campbell K3NC ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> In the excellent QST review, they mention that we Flex'ers usually
> keep 3 versions of PowerSDR hanging around for usage: the last formal
> release (1.10.4 in this case), our favorite version of the SVN updates
> and the latest SVN available.
> I am interested in hearing from the Flex community how they use and
> decide which version to use of PowerSDR? Do people really keep 3
> versions hanging around? If so, what versions are they and why did you
> decide to use those?
> Do you regularly find a problem in the latest SVN release that causes
> you to put it aside for the next one?
> How many people are using the "variants" of PowerSDR and which ones?
> Just interested.....
> Neal Campbell
> AIM:nealk3nc
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