Just a note to say thanks to the folks at Flex.  My 5000 got knocked off the 
air after a thunderstorm a 

couple months ago.  Last month I sent it to Flex and they repaired it in a 
couple days and returned it.  I 

put it on the air and it worked like a champ.  Two days later another storm 
took it out again.  I've never 

had any radio gear fail from lightening in the past, but I've never had an 
antenna system like the one I have 



Late last October I installed a 120 foot tower with a SteppIr Monster and 160M 
vee at the top.  I also have

a 350 foot beverage a few feet above the ground.  Also, I monitor my TX with a 
digital scope through a 

coupler after the amplifier.  The cool thing is that it captured the induced 
signal from the lightening storm.  

The scope is set in single trigger and the level corresponds to 1200 watts into 
50 ohms.  The indicated 

power level from the lightening was 1562 watts into the receiver!!!!  It killed 
k1, a 56 cent part.


Tonight I decided to replace the part. I had just opened the cabinet when my 
emailed dinged.  It was a 

message from Flex announcing availability of the service manual.  How timely, 
it sure made things easier!!!


The 5K is back on the air and working fine.  From now on, the radio will be 
connected to a dummy load 

when not in use.  Oh yea, I have another nine spare K1s.


Thanks Again,



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