I too have a similar issue as Mike.  Mine is a 1070khz 25Kw station 3 miles
away, images of it showing up all over the dial on my brand new 5000A using
PwrSDR 1.12 (the version it shipped with).  Therefore I too am looking for a
RX1/2/loop solution.  If there¹s any others with the similar issues,  who¹ve
found a solution, it would be appreciated if you shared it.

I don¹t get this issue with my FT-9000, IC746 or JST-245 on the same
antenna.  Only my Flex 5000A w/ATU has thee AM BC signal images up & down
the dial...  Its my only complaint about the radio¹s RX.

Kevin  VE7OVY

Message: 5
Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2008 18:01:25 -0500
From: "Mike Schelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Flexradio] RX1 in/out issue with FLEX5000
To: <flexradio@flex-radio.biz>
Content-Type: text/plain;    charset="windows-1250"

Hello to all,
I have an issue here with a 50KW AM BC station about 6 miles away. I have
IMD/spurs/carriers all the way up from 160M to past 20M. The signal strength
of the AM 640kc station is -3dbm on the flex meter and I have crud all over
hell's half acre up thru the bands...most are just above the QRN, but
sometimes not ;-)This AM powerhouse always mixes with another station
beating together on frequencies that show up across the bands.
I purchased a KIWA BCB reject filter and put it in the RX1/2 in/out loop and
use the antenna selection option to put this inline and it definitely knocks
down the 640kc AM >70db when the flex is in GEN mode tuned to 640kc. The
problem is that when the BCB filter is inline with RX1 loop, I have major
intermod all over the bands...on 20M I heard CHU this afternoon at 14.030,
+/- propagation and AM carriers all over the spectrum, some are S9+10 in DSB
mode on 20M. 
If I take the KIWA BCB reject filter and put it inline with the antenna in
any ANT1/2/3 port life is good...all the crud is gone, but I can't TX with
the KIWA BCB filter.
Anyone care to figure this one out? I know W9NQN TX/RX filters are an
option, but a $60 RX only should have worked IMHO.
Enjoy what's left of our holiday weekend!
Mike, K4EAR
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