  One thing at a time.  The static test with a DVM was quick enough to prove 
that one should not be using the internal DC measurement as an accurate 
indication of anything truly vital, other than to say that there is a voltage 
present from the power supply.  The O-Scope test is a little more involved, 
thus is being saved for this weekend.  I will be using a digital storage scope 
so that I may capture a bit of data.  
  This horse only drinks on the weekends ;)
  Thank you,

k5nwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  At 07:54 AM 7/11/2008, you wrote:
>However, I did notice a strange occurrence on 
>the oscolloscope, with the SEC-1223Â keydown 
>continuous, there was just a voltage drop. But 
>with the W-30AM, there was oscillation between 
>the dropped voltage and the full voltage on continuous keydown.

> Will this oscillation cause my problems? I see 
> it as TVI/RFI and am awaiting my XYL to return 
> from work to get her assistance in more testing. Kind Rgds, Gwyn - G4FKH

Oscillations are not good at all. You need a 
better power supply or a lot of work on cleaning that one up.

I keep mentioning that to test the power supply 
you need a dynamic test not a steady state test 
because how the power supply reacts to change can 
be many times worse than the wiring drop, but it 
seems that the people testing are bent on doing 
static test which are rather useless in the long 
run. Forget DVM's they are too slow to see what 
is going on you need an oscilloscope.

You can take a horse to water but .....

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