It was a PITA all weekend in the 6 meter contest.

even at 40 watts or less the PWSDR would flash the RED HIGH SWR message and cut 
back the power.
Whether I used the ATU or not.
Sometimes the Red High SWR message stays on the panadaptor.
a tap of the cw key cures it.
Usually it takes more than a few characters or words to trigger the message and 
roll back.
It's not instantaneous and doesn't happen every transmission.
I can hear it in the monitor, the cw sounds choppy and the voice audio is off.
One fellow commented that he could hear it and dropped down to 10 watts he said 
it was now clean.

As I've fought rfi my whole ham life, I'm pretty knowledgeable on how to cure 

I've got well routed and ferrited (is that a word) cables.
Even bifilar ferrites

So far I haven't had any success and looking for some suggestions.
Situation is that I'm in a city lot with the tower right next to/over the house 
and it's an old house so only the remodeled portions have wiring inside metal 
conduit pipe.

So far, only 6 meters is effected. 10 meters is clean.

Computers are on Triplite AC filter>UPS
So the ac is well filtered
Monitors as well on Triplite AC filter and UPS

Triplite filter to the Astron 50a supply
Heavy 2 conductor cable with proper size ferrites > Flex5k
Almost every conductor going into the F5k has ferrites.
Most have ferrites at BOTH ends.

And I don't mean Rat Shack clip on but high Quality DX Engineering cores

So, has anyone heard of or had a problem that they cured they can suggest?

With all the filtering iron and cores, my cabeling weighs more than the rig and 
amp combined. 

I hate to resort to the old timers trick of laying a wire counterpoise on the 
floor for the effected rfi band.
(used to have to do this for 10 meters years ago)

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