Just an observation.  Flex 5K-A, fast, purpose-built quad processor 
machine with 4G RAM, XP-SP2 with most services turned off via 
AlacrityPC.  Flex audio at 192K and 1024.  Processor at ~<20% (FWIW, 
with 2 RXs, SR, NR, ANF, NB all *on*, the max observed processor load 
-ever- is ~<40%).

When SR is *off*, dragging the display from edge-to-edge with the mouse 
(fast up-down move within a band), the display freezes for a short 
(~200-300 mS) interval and then resumes.  With SR *on* I don't see 
this.  Tried lots of different audio sampling rates/buffer sizes, VAC 
on/off, Display Refresh from 15 to 50 FPS, full range of Zooms, etc. 
with no change in the observed anomaly  Only when SR is *off*, do I see 
this.  Maybe an internal buffer overrun?

Subjectively, it "seems" that I hear more audio blips (as I rapidly tune 
across carriers) with SR *on* than with it *off*.

Just wondering - it doesn't affect my operation, but curious if I've hit 
a limit somewhere.


Tom Brown  N4TAB
Wake Forest, NC

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