I think I reported this earlier, but didn't get feedback as to whether
anyone else has seen this, so I'll ask again, now that I have 1.14.0 and
am still seeing the same thing...

If I select the waterfall display for both RX1 and RX2, it appears that
the RX2 waterfall is simply a duplicate of the RX1.

If RX1 is using another mode (e.g., panadapter), the RX2 waterfall seems
to be more-or-less correct (there is a fixed blue line about 10.6 kHz
below the tuned frequency that seems wrong).  But as soon as I switch
RX1 to waterfall, the RX2 waterfall simply copies the RX1 display.

So, is it just me, or is there a bug?

BTW -- I'm having great fun tuning around with RX1 and RX2 in a
diversity mode, using my vertical on one RX and horizontal wire with the
other.  It's very interesting to see what paths work best on one antenna
versus the other, in real time.


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