
I am encountering the following problem on my SDR1000 :
- when trying to make the PA 100w adjustment on all bands, the 80m adjustment failed with an error message and the behaviour is that the sofware is trying to increase/decrease the attenuation value but it never converge. At the same time there are strange sounds inside the box when tuning , like if it was a relay releasing, same I am modulating the SDR1000 in SSB , there are 'relay' clicks when output power peaks. No problem on others bands, all tests are made on a good dummy load, ATU is present but not turned on.

So I wonder if there is a component or a relay damaged in the 80m path on the PA module.
Where could I get the shematic ?
Does anybody has an idea ?
I just open the box, remove the ATU and there is no evident sign of desease seenable at first glance.

Best regards
Jean-marc F1HDI

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