I have often thought the same thing so I agree with the idea.

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On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 8:19 AM, FireBrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was thinking of putting in this 'Feature Request' and wanted to see if
> there is some issue I might be missing first. Or if someone has a better
> way.
> I do a LOT of cw DXing, usually the DX station is operating split.
> Most of the time the split isn't that wide, 3 to 6 kc or even less.
> So if you are qsying by clicking on a cluster spot in one of the logging
> programs, you frequently end up with the DX station signal/passband being in
> the center of the panadaptor but the split passband being out of window.
> Or a portion of the split portion passband depending on the filter size.
> Now in DXing, 'he who gets there firstest with the mostest wins'. So I'd
> like to see that when PWSDR is activated by a logging programs ability to
> qsy to a split type cluster spot, it 'attempts' to place both vfo passbands
> INSIDE the panadaptor window if possible.
> If not possible, at least move the DX stations passband to the left so as
> much of the 'split passband' can be viewed and watched for worked stations
> of useable holes in the pileup.
> I normally use 192 so as to see as much of the band as possible.
> I still don't know how to program my VCR, so can't even guess about the
> complexity of such a request and it's value/time expended ratio.
> In RTTY dxing, placing the DX stations passband to the far left and showing
> as much as possible of the split passband is a great advantage, especially
> in poor propagation.
> Yesterday I was able to snag XW1B on 30 meter rtty this way. By watching his
> split passband, I SAW the station he was working and was able to drag my
> xmit vfo just above it.
> What do you guys think?
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