I had Windows XP on my Atom and I upgraded to Windows XP64. I had Ubuntu in a second partition. I had installed Ubuntu 64 after Windows XP but before Windows XP64 on the ATOM330 computer.

How does one do this? Once done, it is utterly trivial.

When you install a version of Winblows and it overwrites the master boot record (as it did in the case of my upgrading to XP64) you need to reinstall grub.

You have to pay attention but it is straightforward.

Boot the Ubuntu LiveCD you used to install.

On applications, accessories, click on terminal and when it is open run

sdr bash

This will make you root. Let us assume your machine has identified the disk as /dev/sda.


fdisk /dev/sda

and then type
p and hit return

This will print the partition table. Your root directory (assuming you put everything into one directory) will be in the list. Suppose it is third in the list (you DO count any extended partitions as one in the list, you just count down until you find the root partition). You start counting 0,1,2,....

As I said, suppose it is third in the list at position 2. In this position, assuming we are talking about drive a (in windows, it is called C by default) this will be /dev/sdaN where N is some integer.

in the terminal window, type


this will give you a grub shell prompt

This will be implied from here until the end.

root (hd0,2) (hd0 if your drive is sda, hd1 if sdb, etc.)
setup (hd0)

you will get data back if it finds the /boot/grub/menu.lst and it will tell you if you succeed or not.


you are done. Reboot

Remember, if this did not work, nothing is lost. You can boot the windows and repair the master boot record or if the grub menu.lst is faulty you can edit it

Go into the LiveCD again and bring up a terminal

mkdir /mnt/sysimage
mount -t ext3 /dev/sdaN /mnt/sysimage

where N is the integer mentioned above when you printed the partition table

cd /mnt/sysimage/boot/grub

and you can edit menu.lst with gedit or vi or some other fave.

Good luck,

ARRL SDR Working Group Chair
Member: ARRL, AMSAT, AMSAT-DL, TAPR, Packrats,
“Order and simplification are the first steps
toward the mastery of a subject.”, Mann

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