Holy Smoke! I thought there might be a level of interest in
standardizing the computer system. Seems I was right. ;-)

I thought about replying to this piecemeal, addressing each message
separately but think that trying to summarize will probably make it
easier to read and assimilate.


Let me start at a philosophical bottom point. First, I did not propose
to do this because I plan to make money at it. Frankly, doing PC
integration is a good way to do a lot of work without making any
money. If that were my motivation I would be doing something else. The
purpose here is to make life easier for a lot of people who might
otherwise look at some box besides Flex because making the Flex work
is too frustrating. (I know a lot about integrating computer systems
and *I* got frustrated!)

So what do I get out of it? I get to help Flex keep going. I have
committed to their product and I want to see it flourish so that they
will continue to support the product I have purchased. They are also
the most likely candidate on the horizon right now to move SDR forward
in the direction I would like to see it go.


This is the thing where a lot of people get bogged down in minutiae.
We can argue AMD vs. Intel Duo Core vs. Intel Atom vs. whatever until
we are blue-in-the-face. There is something advantageous and
disadvantageous to all of the processor families. From my point of
view it boils down to the following:

1. it must run the common instruction set so that it will effectively
run Windows[XP|Vista|7] and Linux;

2. it should have sufficient processing power to run the mix of
applications that 99% of the Flex 5000 users want to run (with a
little left over);

3. it should have reasonable power consumption.

Think about it: this is really a commodity device. Do you really care
what is in it? I know that my primary interest is that it just work so
I don't have to fiddle with it. I want to play with the radio, not the
computer. The computer should enable this.

As a data point, I am running a 1.7GHz Celeron-based system. Everyone
will tell you that this is *much* too small. But it works just fine.
It updates the screen, runs both receivers, runs the digital mode
program, and doesn't suffer from any dropouts.

I am not ruling out any of the hardware platforms. In fact, consider
that the lifetime of any base system is 6 months. Yes, that is all the
longer that any of the motherboard manufacturers expect to make any
motherboard product. At the end of 6 months they have to replace any
motherboard product in order to remain competitive. This means that
whatever system I would come up with today is NOT going to be the
system I would come up with 6 months from now.  The key thing is,
todays system will continue to work with the Flex 5000 (or 3000 or
1500 but they require less performance from the computer system) for
the foreseeable future. The point is that the system will still work
even if it is not state-of-the-art in nine months.

(And I am looking at Atom-based systems first but if I can do a Core2
system for about the same money, I might go that route.)

Operating System:

Right now if you want to run a Flex radio, you need to run Windows.
That means that any system I put together right now has to run
Windows. The software needed to support all the applications
contemplated is Windows XP Home. There is no advantage to running XP
Pro, Vista, or V7 because none of these operating systems offer any
extra features that the applications can use. So running XP Pro,
Vista, or V7 just means you are getting an OS that has more more code
that consumes memory, consumes processing power, can be exploited to
hack your machine, and therefore must be identified and turned off.

In the future I am hoping that we can move toward a simpler OS that
will be more efficient in its use of system resources (memory and
processor) so that we get more from our existing hardware, thus
extending the effective lifetime of the hardware and thus our


I proposed a list of applications. It was:

* PowerSDR
* com0com
* ddutil
* Ham Radio Deluxe/DM780
* fldigi

I proposed this as it will do what 99% of the hams buying a Flex want
to do. It gives you rig control, control of external devices; e.g.
amplifiers, rotators, tuners, etc.; digital modes, logging, etc. Now
we can argue about the best digital mode program or the best logging
program but I am guessing that, if the hardware works well for the
above list of applications, it will work well if you choose to
substitute a different rig control program, a different digital mode
program, or a different logging program.

In the mean time, I want to come up with one single software
configuration that will just work right out of the box. For a ham who
is new to Flex radios and digital mode operating, HRD or fldigi will
do what he/she wants to do. Later when they become experienced they
can move to something more esoteric if they so choose. The experienced
ham is probably going to want to build his/her own system anyway and
won't be interested in having me put one together for them.

Remote operation:

Frankly, I never considered this. I would love to hear how many people
would like to be able to do this. Right now it appears that any
attempt to do it is going to be a very big kludge fraught with danger.
Doing remote access means opening the computer up to potential
hacking. Given the state of Windows it is not something I would be
comfortable doing. I think I would side-step this issue right now.
Installing Skype and VNC to be able to do remote control is going to
put a much larger load on the system. Also, the next generation is
likely to make remote-control very easy. Therefore, I do not plan to
spend any time on this. If this feature is important to you then you
probably want/need to build your own system.

Hopefully this clears up the questions. If you think you might want me
to put a system together for you, please send me an email stating your
interest and a ballpark for what you think you would be willing to pay
for such a system. I will use that information to determine what I can
put together for what price. If there is enough interest I will go
ahead. If not, no worries. I have lots of things to do. :-)

FWIW I am planning to spend some time at the Flex booth at Pacificon
this Saturday. If you are going I would love to meet you.

73 de Brian, WB6RQN/J79BPL

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