Harbach has changed the circuit since then, to operate with a Flex 5000a.

Jerry Sharp wrote:
Hi all, I just recently picked up a nice Heathkit SB-200 amplifier to run with my SDR-1000. The SB-200 has the Harbach softkey mod, so the keying line has only a couple of volts and milliamps on it.

Problem is the X2 port on the SDR won't fully key the amp. I can hear the amp relay "click", but I show no idle current. When I apply drive the amp relay starts clicking and cycling. Power out of the amp is all over the place.

A direct short to ground across the keying line and the amp works fine...90ma of idle current and 600 stable watts out when I drive the amp with the SDR. For the time being I'm using a footswitch to key the amp. But I'd rather have the SDR directly keying the amp.

So other than adding another relay between the X2 port and the amp keying jack, does anyone have a better idea?

BTW, I've tried pin 7 plus several other X2 keying ports with the same results. X2 TR sequencing is turned on.

Jerry Sharp, KD0GS


            Regards, TOM BLACKWELL, PO Box 25403, Dallas, Texas 75225

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