
Thank you for reminding me.  It had been so long I had forgotten (there's
that chemo & radiation effect again....hi..hi).


I misspoke earlier.  The later Yaesu adapters seem to be wired correctly.
Some of the earlier ones (like mine) did not have the mic ground pin
connected.  Since PTT ground & mic ground are the same in Yaesu radios they
only had to connect one or the other & not both.  (Cost savings measure?)  I
am actually running my headset through a MFJ-1262 Mic Switch.  This allows
me to switch between the headset & my D-104 (which I almost never use).  The
MFJ-1262 has jumper blocks inside which allow you to tie the 2 grounds
together, eliminating the issue.

73, Ray, K9DUR

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