Thanks for all the replies about my RFI issue.  I basically rebuilt the shack 
and left a lot of stuff off the computer.  Same problem, computer locks up with 
transmit power.


I tried on a dummy load and it works fine.  I then moved the radio to a 
different place and rerouted the cables and still have the issue.  It locks up.


I have the shack grounded with a 1 inch strip of copper reuuning to all in the 
shack.  It is run to the radio also and that is probably as far as I am willing 
to go.  All this trial and error is not worth it to me.  I am use to hooking up 
a piece of equipment and it working without hours upon hours of experiementing. 
 This may not be for me.  My setup may not be suitable for an SDR because of 
the RF problems when hooked to a computer.


I know I sound frustrated but I don't know what else to try.  Anybody else have 
an idea that won't require anouther teardown?


Thanks for any help.


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