Hi Bill, I am not sure about your setup, but perhaps a Web (Internet Remote) accessible power switch would solve some of your problems? They are readily available on eBay for $75
<URL: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270400080007
GL de Ken N9VV

Bill Gipps wrote:
I'm a new owner of a 5000A and a SPE Expert 1K amplifier.  I'm going through
the learning curve - but having a blast as I do!

I'm currently just remoting from the Shack to wherever I am in the house /
yard.  I've also accessed it from my car, using my laptop and aircard.  I've
got it working, but have some questions / concerns, etc. and can't believe
that I am the first person asking these questions or coming across these
issues.  I'm using TightVNC and Skype.  Appreciate any assistance that you
can give me?
        Your assistance is greatly appreciated
        Bill Gipps

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