The orientation of the Flex 5K in the shack is as important as the sense 
of humor and the ability to cure RF "Influx" hi.   In my case, I have the Flex 
5k with the blue "eyeball" facing forward next to the quad core with the other 
blue "eyeball" on the left.  The result is a 20-20 vision capable, top shelf 
view of the rest of the operation in the room..Hi..  I placed the "rig" on a 
shelf about 19" above the desk surface to further enhance the Room's appearance 
as the cooling fan is also illuminating it's undercarriage via the air ductwork.
The monitor for the PSDR is also showing as a desktop, a not so well known 
album cover for "Phutureprimitive", which is also another blue eyeball within a 
digital face, if you will.   Lots of fun off the wall conversation starter when 
neighbors, relatives, or local scouts elect to see or speak of the "mysterious 
ham shack"  
     On another note, I hope that even the "newbies" do not make the mistake of 
jumping to conclusions based on what they "hear" from the reflector(s). I think 
simply a little more direct reference to the svn branch and version one may be 
commenting on, will help others see the fun and experiences that all branches, 
as well as the trunk (the main, stable version) of PSDR, has to offer.  
     Love my Flex 5k and hope to gain a Flex 3k sometime soon.   Thanks for 
lettin me rant and have fun for a sec..    Jim  KJ7S 
"The Sum of Knowledge and Experience, is Wisdom"
                  "Censor Yourself, Not Others"
Message: 1
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 09:12:07 -0700
From: Brian Lloyd <>
Subject: [Flexradio] Flex 5000 orientation
To: FlexRadio reflector <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

It has been awhile and there seem to be a number of new Flex 5000
owners on here. I thought I would throw out some of my logic for
orienting the F5K in the shack. The F5K has six approximately-equal
sides but only two hold much interest. One has three things: the mic
connector, the headphone connector, and the Blue Light Of Death
(otherwise known as the power switch/indicator). The opposite side has
about thirty interesting and useful things to play with. In my shack
the latter side is facing forward. It makes connecting cables and
making configuration changes a piece of cake.

One other advantage of this orientation is that the Blue Light Of
Death illuminates the wall giving a very pleasing, high-tech, back-lit
effect. I enjoy look of awe on the faces of friends who visit my
semi-darkened shack and see all the components suffused in a blue
glow. This effect can be heightened by having your oscilloscope
displaying a rotating lissajous pattern and a large, floor-standing,
mainframe tape drive rapidly switching between fast-forward and
rewind. (Hmm -- I am thinking that we need a Flex-Wire-to-Tape-Drive
interface so that PowerSDR can make the tape drive do cool things in
response to control and signal changes on the radio. Think of it as a
kinetic visualizer.)

DISCLAIMER: for those of you who are humor-impaired, this message is
intended to offer a practical suggestion couched in [what I probably
erroneously think are] humorous terms. Seriously, I think that the
Flex 5000 is the best HF Ham transceiver that one can purchase so
please do not misconstrue my misplaced humor as implying that I don't
like the radio even if the power indicator is a bit on the bright

73 de Brian, WB6RQN/J79BPL

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