
We are putting together another reflector for the discussion of the test code and moving off this reflector which will be limited to discussion of the radio hardware and the official releases and use of the radio with same.

In the Flex EDGE reflector, experimenters, people with interest in working with code that may very well be broken, those with lots of ideas or pent up energy!! will be welcome.

We find that doing everything in one place has significant drawbacks.

Gerald has promised to announce the start of this next week.

In the knowledge base, available on the web site, you will see a discussion of branches, tags, and trunks. The search engine works.

For now, I will limit my answer to your specific question. There is one official beta site, the svn trunk, and it is limited to bug fixes, and widespread user testing before official releases are put on the web site.

There is one official alpha site (the daily build) that is branches/test.

Pretty Betty is pre-alpha.

Good luck,


Mark Lunday wrote:
I saw a few threads about PB being more resource intensive.  I guess the
only way to find out is to try it on my system.  Is it CPU draw or greater
traffic over the Firewire?

Also, I downloaded 1.19.1 beta (Pretty Betty).  I found bug tracker and
feature request list, but I am confused about the different SVN numbers
associated with builds.  Is there a specific place where daily builds are
provided for download and test?  SVN

Besides being beta code (although it sure appears pretty solid, based upon
comments), are there any major "gotcha" items that have been discovered?
(COM port issues, etc?)

Mark Lunday


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