
WOW, those are some signals.

Yes, you will need the BCI filter. The front end is being hit pretty hard. And yes, you can put it into the loop and it will work perfectly. You have entirely too much gain in the radio for 160m-40m anyway so there will be no degradation.

Try the buffer settings in the driver control panel to improve your sensitivity to stalls in your computer.

Good luck!

Stu Phillips wrote:

Thanks for the second pair of eyes on the fault matrix for

My station is remote (about 0.25 miles from the house) controlled via
Ethernet and audio via a phone patch on the PBX...  took a few to walk
down and swap everything around.

Freeze - I've seen the problem on both normal and safe mode 1 so
switched to safe mode 2 and see what happens.

BCI - both receivers behave identically - I swapped the K9AY to RX1 - no
spurii - then verified that RX2 behaves the same as RX1 when fed
directly with the same antennas.

So, I think that eliminated the switching matrix and shows both RX
behave the same way.  Just FYI, the stations that generate the spurii
are hot - all better than -30dBm on the inverted L - AM860 is -25 dBm.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bob McGwier [] Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 5:45 PM
To: Stu Phillips
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] PowerSDR "freeze" and AM Broadcast spurii on
40m with Flex-5000?


Open the driver (in the Flex Radio folder) and if it is set to "Normal" in the upper right, set to safe mode 1. If it is safe mode 1, increase it to 2, etc.

We are FINALLY getting control of these settings from the manufacturer of the firewire device in the radio and will soon be able to control much of that from inside PowerSDR, as well as have the driver notify us of a stall so it can be automatically restarted after adjustment.

On the BCI issues others will have to comment, I don't experience this problem at my QTH in NJ where I have lots of strong AM stations nearby in NYC and Philly and NJ. I would suggest that you swap the high/large antennas to the RX2 input. If you do not see them on RX2 this is indicative of nonlinearity in the path of RX1 that is not present on RX2. This has happened to a couple of people (one?) when the relay(s) in the path for RX1 had a fault and they were rectifying.

Try swapping RX2 to the big antennas.  If you do not see the signals, it

is time to call the factory.


Stu Phillips wrote:
I took delivery of my Flex 5000 a couple of days ago - everything is
working fine except for...

-          Periodic hangs where PowerSDR "freezes" and the audio
stops.  Pressing Stop then start on PowerSDR gets everything going
again.  I've run the latency checker and the max its seen was 900us -
this on a Duo Quad Core at 2.33 GHZ, Vista X64.  The machine is
dedicated to the radio.  I'm still trouble shooting this one following
the suggestions in the KB (disabling virus checker etc.).  The system
runs fine for hours and then hangs - odd.  Typical CPU utilization is

-          I have a set of spurii on 40m from local broadcast stations
on the AM band.  For example, AM860 is perfectly decodable on 7.0039,
AM910 at 7.0539, AM1010 at 7.1539...  the frequency spacing on the AM
band is reflected on the spurii.  This goes above and below the 40

I have dual RX in the Flex - RX2 is fed via its RX2 input from my home
built K9AY loop which has a very effective hi pass filter with an
brick wall response at 1.7 MHz.    When using  RX2 input from the K9AY
there are no spurii on RX2 - using  RX1 is fed from an R5 vertical,
inverted L, G5RV and a 30m vertical dipole.

Checking the two receivers via the antenna selection panel shows the

RX1        - Spurii on Inverted L (strongest), Vertical Dipole and
- none on the R5

RX2        - Spurii same as RX1 when fed via RX1 tap (not a surprise),
none on the R5 and NONE on the K9AY

Since some of the antennae are clear, it pretty much eliminates the
getting in via other cables (audio, 10 MHz GPSDO reference), etc.

Have others seen this?  I saw some reference on the mailer archive of
this being a side effect of the single conversion of the FLEX so I
suspect this isn't new news.

I'm thinking of a BCI filter (same design as in my K9AY) in the RX1
receive loop - any suggestions/pointers to either of these issues
gratefully received!



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