The $165 machine showed up this afternoon.


Here's a link where you can see the gory details, the bottom line is it's a
3.2GHz P4, all the usual computer stuff, and includes an XP Pro license.


They messed up and shipped me a 512M RAM unit instead of the 1GB that I
ordered - more later on this.


The bottom line - it worked first time, like a champ!


I put in a low-profile TI-chip firewire card (the system has two free PCI
slots and 1 PCIe-1 and 1 PCIe-8 slot - all low profile), applied the MS
firewire hotfix, installed the Flex driver, installed .Net 3.5 - and brought
up PowerSDR 1.19.1 svn 3345.


And it worked. 


I'm running with smaller buffer sizes on both the driver and the audio
settings, and I can run with higher DSP buffers than I could on my Atom 330

The standare Flex driver settings worked FB right out of the box.


I tried my worst-case test of settings of turning on NR, both NB's, ANF,
everything, and there is no stuttering, just no problem at all.


I also installed the other ham software that I want to use - Ham Radio
Deluxe - the current beta version. 

Running that, the HRD logger (which seems to be a resource hog) and DM780
using VAC - everything runs just fine. 

My CPU usage percentage seems to hover between 18% and 30%. 


I set the CPU affinity to let PSDR have any CPU it wants, and on this box
I've set up all my other apps to only use CPU1. I don't know how necessary
or effective that is but I figured it can't hurt. And none of the other apps
locked down to the second CPU seem to care or be slow or laggy at all.


Oh yeah, I also put in my USB VGA adapter so I can have two monitors. It is
a bit of a resource sink but it runs just fine. It generates a bunch of hash
on 17 meters but ferrites fixed that right up.


What surprised me was that with only 512M of RAM and all the above running -
plus Firefox with 5 or 6 tabs open - I still have 100M of RAM free and the
system isn't paging! They're going to send me the missing 512M stick. I
could probably get email up and running on it as well if I felt the urge.


So I think that's pretty good. 

Cheap, easy - just what the doctor ordered.


Best regards,


Michael Jones W0STB


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