Finally , I got it all working (again - as it was working fine before I left
for Chile, other than the digitally signed drivers)


>From a clean install:


.         I followed Tim's 12 steps to ensure that all flex drivers were
removed by running SAFE MODE with Networking (thanks to whoever wrote this

o    1.) Turn off the FLEX-x000 and shut down PowerSDR

o    2.) Reboot the PC.  Use the F8 boot prompt to boot into SAFE MODE with
Networking.  Logon as the administrator or a user with admin rights

o    3.) Uninstall the FLEX driver using the Control Panel (if using the
classic style, it is Add and Remove Programs)

o    4.) Reboot the PC.  Use the F8 boot prompt to boot into SAFE MODE with
Networking.  Logon as the administrator or a user with admin rights

o    5.) Look for any files in c:\windows\system32\drivers that start with
"FLEX".  If they are there, manually delete them.

o    6.) Download a new driver from the FLEX web site.

o    7.) If UAC is enabled, disable it just for the driver install

o    8.) Install the new driver.  The driver will install silently.  If you
get any warning messages about trying to installed unsigned drivers, then
there is still a problem somewhere and stop. Reboot when prompted.

o    9.) Do not boot into TEST mode or use the F8 boot prompt to bypass
driver signing.  Boot normally.   Logon as the administrator or a user with
admin rights

o    10.) After the PC is completely booted (give it a minute or two), power
up the FLEX.  The driver will install silently once the hardware is
detected.  If you get any warning messages about trying to installed
unsigned drivers, then there is still a problem somewhere and stop.

o    11.) Open the Firewire control panel and make sure the radio hardware
is recognized.  Set the sampling rate and buffer size to match what you have
for PowerSDR

o    12.) Then start PowerSDR to verify it is working.

o    13.) Shut down normally and reboot.  Boot back up normally and see if
Vista complains about the drivers.

o    12.) If UAC was enabled, re-enable it.


.         I replaced the combo Expresscard on the laptop for the recommended
Belkin F5U505 one (I need to go back and restest the combo card)

.         Installed with the new drivers (.6300) with UAC turned off

.         Connected the SDR3000 and ensured the drivers were talking - set
the buffers 

.         Started PowerSDR as Administrator - initially it did not work and
I had to reset the database (this may have been the problem all along-the
database could have been corrupted)

.         Voila - it works

.         Did a frequency calibration to WWV

.         Turned UAC back on

.         Now, if you need VAC or Com0Com, you do need to run in TEST mode -

o   issue Bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON (run as admin) and reboot


The RCA (root cause analysis) on this failing while I was away was likely a
database corruption. 


I can live with running in test mode.  Many thanks to all of you (both Flex
and Flexers) for all the help and support.


Mike VA3MW





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