I recently bought an Expert 1K-FA to use mostly for portable operations. When I first got it, I hooked it up to my 5K to try it out. It works great! A solid KW out on HF and 900W PEP easily on 6m (spec is 700W on 6M). You don't need to worry about ALC because the built-in self-protection software will shut the amp down if you try to drive it too hard or if it starts getting too hot. Band switching is automatic. I have nothing but good things to say about this amp. I'm really looking forward to the introduction of the 2K-FA early next year (2KW out, all solid state).

Clay  W7CE

----- Original Message ----- From: "Stu Phillips" <s...@ridgelift.com>
To: <flexradio@flex-radio.biz>
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 11:58 AM
Subject: [Flexradio] Flex 5000 and Amp (SPE 1K or ACOM 2000)???

This weekend's experience in the Cal QSO party has got me considering
adding an amplifier to my remote controlled station with the Flex 5000
as the primary radio (what a great contesting radio it is!).

Sorry to send this to the full list but I'm hoping that if you have a
5000 with either the SPE-1K or ACOM 2000 running in your station (even
more so if you are fully remote controlled), you could share your
experiences about the integration and operating quirks (such as coping
without ALC feedback control).

From reading the reflector archives, it looks like DDUTIL will be
required...  if so, I may have to revert to XP as I've been unable to
get DDUTIL to work on Vista X64.

Thanks & &3's

Stu K6TU

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