I wrote a week or so ago about problems I was having with WSPR and
Mack, WB4MAK, replied with his settings.

First, my original problem was that WSPR could not set the frequency
and that PTT via CAT was somewhat unreliable. The main symptom was
that every time WSPR tried to set the frequency, key, or unkey the
transmitter it would log a serial port error.

The big difference between Mack's and my configuration was PTT via CAT
(me) or a separate port pair (Mack). I tried his configuration and not
only does it key the transmitter reliably but now the frequency
setting via WSPR band selection works properly. I no longer see serial
port error messages from WSPR.

So, if you are trying WSPR 2.0 with PowerSDR (SVN PB-PAL for me --
should also work with the release version) here is what is working for
me right this instant:

VSPmgr settings:
COM5-COM6 pair, break line/restore connection enabled
COM7-COM8 pair, break line/restore connection enabled

PowerSDR settings:
CAT on port COM6, 4800baud, no parity, 8 data bits, one stop bit
PTT on port COM8 via DTR
Rig ID as: TS-2000
VAC Input: Virtual Cable 2
VAC Ouput: Virtual Cable 1

WSPR settings:
Audio In: Virtual Cable 1
Audio Out: Virtual Cable 2
PTT method: DTR
PTT port: COM7
Enable CAT
CAT port: COM5
Rig Number: 214 Kenwood TS-2000
Serial Rate: 4800
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Handshake: None

Note: When I tried to use, "Rig Number: 2301 Flex-radio SDR-1000," I
got the serial port error again. So it appears that the above settings
may be somewhat specific.

73 de Brian, WB6RQN/J79BPL

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