I thought I had this issue resolved but I find that it was not. I'm wondering if anyone else using (or that used) a SDR-1000 is experiencing the same issue.

After install 1.18.3 the noise floor increased from less than S1 (dummy load) to S6.5 on 20-meters. The issue seems to be most obvious on 17, 20, 30 and 40 (to some degree). I thought I had the issue resolved a couple months ago by uninstalling 1.18.3 and reinstalling it. But what I had was something that was better but not resolved and after re-calibration it was obvious the problem still existed.

Considering 1.18.2 as the baseline version and all testing into (or from) a Dummy Load, the following comparison can be derived:
    1.18.2 shows S1 (+/- .5) for the noise across all bands.
    1.18.3 shows a noise floor of:
               S1 on 10, 12, 15
               S6.5 on 17
               S7.5 on 20
               S6.5 on 30
               S2 on 40
               S7 on 60
               S6.5 on 80
               S5.5 on 160

Once a fresh copy of 1.18.3 is installed I step through calibration procedure starting with PA Settings. After each calibration step, I would check the noise floor on all the band edges comparing the in-band to out-of-band noise floor. Generally the noise floor on 20-meters would remain around S3 until doing the RX Image Reject Calibration. Once the RX Image Reject Cal was complete, 20 should show a S7 noise floor. I re-calibrated version 1.18.2 and each step of the way the noise floor remained S1 +/- .5 all bands, so 1.18.2 reacts much better then 1.18.3 when doing an apples-to-apples comparison.

After reloading the software and re-calibration, the band edges tests for 17 through 40 would show S1 +/- .5 for out-of-band and a high noise floor in-band. This condition could easily been seen when looking at 13.999999 with a S0.5 noise floor and tuning to 14.000000 which shows a S7 noise floor. Also, tuning between in-band and out-of-band would produce a switching sound in the SDR-1000 on all bands except 15, 12, and 10 meters.

When using 1.18.2 the above condition does not exist. Therefore when tuning from 13.999999 to 14.000000 the noise floor remains the same and the SDR-1000 is not being switched. By "not being switched", I mean there is no relay sound heard when tuning from out-of-band to in-band and visa-versa.

The XP Pro system is a quad-core that has been running a couple years with little change (other than Microsoft trying to mess with me from time-to-time). It is dedicated to the radio plus one Video Editing piece of software.

NOTE:  Reload process for 1.18.3 is:
    1.  Uninstall 1.18.3
    2.  Delete the 1.18.3 directory from Program Files
    3.  Reboot
    4.  Install the software for 1.18.3
5. Reboot (I have reverted to 98 procedures... when Microsoft systems were definitely com-booters)
    6.  Run pSDR/configure
    7.  (sometime an extra boot just because it is an MS OS)

Any ideas?

Thanks and 73,
Dan - W0RO

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