Perhaps someone can clue me in as to what's going on here...

I am running an F3K with pSDR 1.18.3 in WIN 7 (32 bit), vspMgr, and VAC. In digital mode, when I start fldigi (3.12.5) I notice that my internet connection shows activity, both Transmit and Receive. In fact, this happens even when pSDR is not running and the F3K is turned off.

Thinking that this might have something to do with my AV software, Zone Alarm, I turned off ZA. The situation still obtains, with the internet connection showing T/R activity only when fldigi is running. The activity is continuous as long as fldigi is running.

I have re-booted the machine; nothing changes. I am a bit concerned that I might have picked up a contaminated copy of fldigi; I downloaded this copy directly from the fldigi web site.

I would appreciate comments from anyone who sees through this behavior. Other than the internet activity, everything seems normal.


John Ragle -- W1ZI

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