On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 6:21 PM, Brett Gazdzinski
<brett.gazdzin...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Why the pre recorded files and not an antenna?

Think about this from Flex's point-of-view. Let's say they manage,
through dint of super-human effort, to get a good working antenna. The
result will be people who think, "yeah, OK, it receives and
transmits." Propagation more than anything will determine how well the
rig appears to work. That doesn't sound like a big win to me -- no
real up-side but a potential down-side.

But let's imagine that the antenna doesn't work well. Now the
performance of the rig is horrible and unusable.  This is a major

So, the best that Flex can hope for with putting up an antenna is a
neutral result. The worst is horrible performance.

Let me put it another way. Someone has given you a bet. If you win you
get nothing. If you lose, you lose thousands of dollars. What is the
likelihood that you would take that bet? I thought not. Why should
Flex take that bet? IMHO they would be stupid if they did.

So ... no antenna. Seems like a good decision to me.

73 de Brian, WB6RQN/J79BPL

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