My problem is that I am getting inconsistent forward power readings on
the F3K.  I'm running the F3K into an MFJ 941D tuner / collinear dipole
array.  Also running coax out of the tuner thru a balun then ladder


For example:


Load                                        F3K SWR            F3K
Drive            F3K Fwd Pwr      941D Fwd Pwr   Function

50 ohm Dummy                1.1:1                      25 watts
23 watts               35 watts               Tune

Tuner/Antenna                1.1:1                      25 watts
23 watts               35 watts               Tune

Tuner/Antenna                1.1:1                      25watts
4 watts                10 watts               DIGU / PSK 31




I'm not worried about the F3K Drive and Fwd Pwr reading differentials
when in Tune mode - that's discussed in the operating guide.   And I
know the Tuner wattmeter is going to be inaccurate.  But I don't
understand what's happening with the big difference in readings when I
transmit in DIGU in Digi.    All readings indicated I am losing power .
I'm using  Ham Radio Deluxe (v 5 beta) DM 780 to send PSK 31....same
thing happens in RTTY mode.    Any suggestions on what is going on?  





Jim NX3Z



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