
I tend to use Alt-Tab to move back and forth between applications. This ensures that you keep the focus on the right screen.

Mike VA3MW

Laurie wrote:

Just a short note whilst it is still fresh in my mind(what's left of it).

I have just completed nearly 2000 qso's as a single op the WPX contest with
the Flex 5000A.

I run a small contest previously just to make sure I was familiar with

To be fair I did not use the second receiver this time around as I had
enough to contend with without it, the point and shoot screen opened up a
whole new world for me.

The receiver I simply cannot fault, as the say - bloody terrific...

Transmit audio - bloody terrific.....

The downside, always has to be something - the most annoying detail was when
I was running a pileup, logging one after the other at a rate 0f 250p/hr or
better you don't remember some of the minor details - log the contact,
someone comes up alongside creating a bit of noise, you grab the mouse and
hit a narrower filter button, back to the keyboard and start typing - OOPs
forgot to bring the mouse back and click on the logging programme again, the
radiois taken off into the never never land because what you thought you
typed into the logger was actually telling the radio to do something. This
little detail is the same of course whether it's the filter, vox button,
noise blanker or whatever.

Now there is probably actually nothing at all that can be done about it and
people will say you just have to be more careful. That's fine to say but I
don't contest 7 days a week, so it is not second nature and it is one more
step that takes time in a busy environment.

Don't get me wrong either, I am not having a whinge.

Maybe there is someone real smart out there that can fix it -  as the
control of the radio is software, one idea was to possibly have a contest
mode where the radio is only in the background until you actually physically
do an adjustment and then it reverts to the background automatically. I know
that sounds back the front to what you would normally want - but in this
case as opposed to normal operationI want the logger to be the main focus.
I hope someone understands what I am saying and may have a suggestion or

All in all the radio performed flawlessly and gets the thumbs up. It's a




PS Neal, if you wish to arrange a sked on PSK one day, I would be happy to
try on the long path with that sort of power. Have had SSB qso's with quite
a few stations running 50W from indoor/attic  antenna on the East coast of
USA.  Also have used 3 watts to Europe long path on SSB, 18,750 miles.

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