A friend recently purchased a used 3000 from a mutual friend. When he first powered the radio up, everything worked fine. When he tried to start it later, nothing. He un-installed everything and tried again but his Firewire driver didn't see the radio. I brought the 3000 home with me and connected it to my laptop (last used with my 5000). The radio appeared to power up normally but the driver ( didn't find it. At a last resort, I unplugged my 5000 from the desktop machine, and plugged in the 3000. The Firewire driver ( and V2.0.0 Beta) on that machine doesn't see it either. I moved the Firewire cable back to my 5000 and it works fine, so I'm sure there isn't a cable problem.

At this point, do I assume that the 3000 should be returned for repair, or is there some other step that I may have missed? When changing radios, do I need to reboot the PC?

Clay  W7CE

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