
Probably will not become a feature of PowerSDR for the same reasons that the
other digital modes will not.  1.) There are MANY programs already out there
the already do this job & Flex does not want to re-create the wheel, and 2.)
Flex's limited software development resources are better spent improving the
radio (PowerSDR) itself.

I run the power speaker output on my FLEX-5000A into the line input on my
PC's soundcard & use the PC speakers for the receive audio.  You could do
the same with the FLEX-1500.  One advantage of this approach is that CW Get
(a fine free CW decoder), which gets its input from the PC soundcard, is
automatically connected to the audio from the radio to decode CW.  Also,
most of the digital mode programs (Fldigi, DM780, etc.) will decode CW using
the audio fed via VAC.

73, Ray, K9DUR

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