In our effort to get a user-maintained wiki that gives explanations for
doing a whole task, we (Brian and I) have set up the
www.flexradiowiki.comsite. We currently have 3 pages:
1. Software packages and links you will probably want to install on your SDR
2. Quick Start guide to installing Ham Radio Deluxe
3. Quick Start guide to installing the DXLab Suite of programs (thanks to
Dave, AA6YQ!)

Its easy to create an article, when you are in the wiki, just change the URL
you are viewing. For example, if you are at, just alter
the URL to name a new page (smash all the words together of the new page in
the URL with each word Capitalized), so if I wanted to create a new page
called "Firebricks Computer Setup" I would alter the URL to . The wiki
will create a new page with that title and you may begin writing your

Each page has a link to edit text, show formatting rules, etc. This wiki is
simple and it keeps things simple for creating articles. The purpose is not
to have the prettiest pate, the purpose is to have as much information as
possible as quickly as possible.

Since this is user-maintained, if you see something absolutely wrong or out
of date, fix it!

I will monitor it to make sure nothing dangerous, offensive or flat out
wrong is placed on the wiki but otherwise, HAVE AT IT!!!

Neal and Brian
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Knowledge Base:  Homepage:

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