Hi Dan

Check out some of the links available from http://www.k5cm.com/ . Some tips there on using simple equipment as well as some of the aids like spectrum lab. I just tune USB below the unknown freq and use FLDIGI to measure the audio tone then process FLDIGI's output csv file through excel to get an average. The 5000a's DDS can only be trusted to 50-100 millihertz, but this is still pretty good.

Check out free FLDIGI and get it working and calibrated, then measure WWV and CHU to see how well you can do. I would bet you will be surprised.

GL in the FMT. Wish I was there :-(

Jerry W4UK

At 12:33 PM 11/7/2010, you wrote:
Hi Jerry...

I have an external 10 Mhz reference pulled from cellular service, and donated to me by a friend....I'm not sure how good it is, but it seems to yank my F5K about 600+ Hz to where it thinks it ought to be, so something must be working right. When I zero beat WWV, I can listen to SSB and detect NO warble so I know my Flex is real close, but that is Hz accuracy, not milliHertz.

I have read some of the emails about prior FMT's, and they are bit technically over my head....is there a white paper which describes technique to use Flex + freq ref to do high accuracy measurements? FMT For Dummies? I'm sure it involves more than a simple zero beat and use of one's ears?

Tnx es 73


----- Original Message ----- From: "Jerry Flanders" <jefland...@comcast.net>
To: "Flex Radio" <FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz>
Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2010 11:19 AM
Subject: [Flexradio] Frequency Measuring Test coming up

Warm up your FlexRadios and participate in next week's ARRL FMT.

Details at http://www.arrl.org/frequency-measuring-test .

Those of us using the 5000a in FMTs have discovered it often does _very_ well, often within millihertz.

Several have high-precision GPSDO10MHz reference oscillators and are capable of high precision, but these are not necessary if you calibrate against WWV, etc just before the test. FLDIGI is an excellent aid to pin down that last tenth of a Hertz.

Unfortunately I will not be able to participate in this one - my 5000a has decided to take a vacation trip to Austin to get the firmware unlocked.

Don't forget to post your results afterward and mention your radio.

Jerry W4UK

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