On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 10:08 AM, Larry Rappaport <r...@lmr.com> wrote:

> Seems like this would be greatly facilitated by a standard interface.  I
> followed the link and it seems very interesting, but he doesn't speak about
> how he actually did it.  I have no idea about how it's done, but if there
> were a standard interface to all the controls, we could make our own
> devices, or perhaps there could be some commercial units.  My guess is this
> needs to be USB2, but I really have very little idea.

It doesn't need to be USB2 as the 12Mbps speed of USB 1.1 is more than
enough for how fast a human can move knobs.

The interesting thing is that code exists for PowerSDR already. It is
probably part of the Open Source portion of the code since it is purely
display/control related.  It is also using later code as you can see in the
demo that it is using the Pretty Betty skin. I am guessing that this part of
the code has not changed much and therefore would drop into the current beta
code with a minimum of hacking.

This would go a long way toward squelching the, "gotta have a tuning knob
that doesn't change with the focus," crowd. It would also show that you can
have both a control surface and "virtual knobs" on the display and have them
work together.

The only fly in the ointment will be that the knobs won't turn as someone
manipulates the virtual knobs in the display. I don't think that
knob-oriented people will notice and as soon as you turn one of the smaller
knobs, the corresponding slider on the display will jump to the appropriate
position. That seems to me to be a small idiosyncrasy.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
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