I first met John (KC2EH when I first met him) in the early fall of  1983 
several days after we moved into our new home in Woodbridge, VA.   I was 
putting up an antenna and John and his wife Pat came walking by.  You  guessed 
it.  That was the beginning of a long set of QSOs.  John and  his family moved 
out of the neighborhood in the summer of 1987, but we stayed  connected 
with a regular weekend schedule.  No matter where he was or where  I was we 
made the contact.  One time on a Saturday morning over about a two  hour period 
when he was in Panama (HP1XUT) we made contact on every band  from 75M to 
10M.  In 27 years we have QSOed from 160M to 432 and I  don't think we missed 
more than 20 weekends, and that was because some were  eyeball QSOs... and 
they also included the XYLs.
John was also my wife's gift consultant.  A number of years back I  thought 
about getting a Flex-Radio.  John, Gerald and my wife got  together and a 
brand new FLEX-1000 arrived for my birthday.  I won't tell  anymore about the 
other gifts he talked my wife into, but I sure did  receive some great toys 
for Christmas and birthdays.
Over the 27 years we have been to many hamfests, hauled lots of good stuff  
back and forth and have some good stories to tell about some amazing sales 
or  acquisitions.  While John was living in Texas it but a crimp in some of 
our  hamfests together but I did manage to join him twice at the Belton  
hamfest and Dayton at least a dozen times.  If I wasn't at the hamfest  with 
John, at least I got a full account during the next QSO.
My last QSO with John was 2 January.  His son Chris talked him into  going 
out to the ham shack and turning on the radio.  Lucky for me I was  sitting 
by my rig tuned to 14185 when he came on.  Thanks Chris for  bringing your 
dad out to the ham shack.
We are all going to miss John's generous assistance and advice, enthusiasm, 
 out going spirit and friendship.  It's been an honor to call him my good  
73 John.  You will always be alive in my hamshack.
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