There has been a lot of hoopla about CW on the Flex radios. Frankly, they
didn't work very well on CW for many people. This made me very interested in
how the new version would work given how much emphasis has been put on CW

I have both a Flex 5000a (RX2 and ATU, no VU5K) and a Flex 1500 at home.
(The Flex 3000 is at the school where the kids use it.) I used the regular
computer, a home-built AMD machine using parts recommended by Neal, for the
5000 and a MacBook Pro (an older one, about 3 years old now) for the 1500.

So far I have been pleased with the performance of all the other features of
2.0.19 but hadn't tried CW. I am not a CW op so I don't use the mode but I
can certainly tell when something isn't working. Anyway, I thought I would
try it out.

Basically I plugged my bencher paddles and dummy load into one radio or the
other and started sending. I didn't touch anything in the setup. (I run
96kHz sampling with driver buffer set to 1024 on the 5000. I run 48kHz
sampling on the 1500 with driver buffers set at 512.)

First impressions: I am impressed as heck. Both the 5000 and 1500 sent at 25
WPM right off the bat. No muss, no fuss, no tweaks, no nothing. Just start

I did play with the break-in value. I cranked it down to 50ms and it was
working with break-in between elements. I could clearly hear the RX between
dits. Even though it was working at full QSK I did find the TR relay chatter
annoying so I played with the break in value to get it to keep the TR relay
closed between elements but to open between letters and words. It just

I did keep cranking the speed up hoping to detect where it started to lose
the first dit. I was beyond my ability to make characters when I gave up. As
far as I could hear, there was no problem with truncated first elements,
either dits or dahs.

So as far as I can tell, 2.0.19 is working 100% for all modes. If you have a
Flex radio I would say it is time to upgrade to the latest version of

I will be happy to answer questions about my setup.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.931.492.6776 (USA)
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