Band conditions on 20 meters and higher frequencies have been not so good
the past few days. How does the noise look on the panadapter display? Noise
sources like switching power supplies for a variety of things will show up
as a hill of noise at a part of the display, maybe drifting around some. If
you are seeing about the same noise level across the whole band it could be
just band noise and poor band conditions giving you no signals. The no
signals could be just no one getting on the higher bands when you are
listening. During a major contest they can become alive when other times
they look dead. 


I hope you can find someone local to work with. They don't have to have a
flex rig, so if you have any ham clubs in your area that might be a good
place to find some help. 


73 - Mike WA8BXN 





-------Original Message------- 


From: Brad A. Steffler 

Date: 4/4/2011 10:27:26 PM 


Subject: [Flexradio] Newbie would like local help 


I live in Mobile, Alabama. Is there a Flex 5000a user near me that I 

Could consult? After being out of ham radio for 27 years, I am a bit 

Rusty. I think I am experiencing 

Abnormally high noise levels on several of the bands and I would like to 

Compare with a more experienced Flex user nearby. 10 meters appears all 

But dead when I listen in the afternoon and , of course, at night. I am 

Experiencing severe noise problems on 20 Meters and fairly high levels 

Of noise on 40 and 15 Meters as well. On 75-80 Meters The noise levels 

Are as I expect in the spring. 


The noise I hear on 10, 15, 20 and 40 Meters is constant and is not the 

Usual atmospheric noise that is so common 80 Meters like I would hear 

During the hot summer months. Finding the source is baffling me. The 

Powerline noise I had been suffering has been eliminated. Alabama Power 

Cured it 4 days after I reported it. 



Brad A. Steffler 




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