
Are you sure that your other radio is in calibration?
The Flexes are very accurate in respect to their signal level indication, so if you are getting S5 (with the antenna connected, I hope), it means that you are getting -97 dBm noise in the selected bandwidth. If you connect either receiver input to a 50 Ohm load you will see the receiver background noise and if you have access to a calibrated signal generator you can measure the minimum discernible signal on either receiver. Your statement that the 1500 is hotter makes me think that the other receiver is deaf, at least in S units reading, since the opposite is usually the case because the Flexes trend is to give lower readings. They have a truly calibrated S meter and most receivers don't, and usually are really optimistic. Other cause could be the 1500 S meter became uncalibrated, but it is unlikely. If you can do the signal generator test you can verify this and if it is out of cal, the calibration procedure takes less than a minute.

73 de Ignacio, EB4APL   (Who uses his Flex as a selective level meter)

On 22/06/2011 15:52, Michael Goins wrote:
Still setting up a 1500 here and the issue of the moment is noise

I am in the country and the radio I removed to replace with the 1500 had a
noise level of S1 or so. With the 1500, I am up around S5 as baseline noise
level. Nothing else has changed.

The receiver is hotter, but not tremendously so, and I do not have the rig
strapped to the computer yet and I'm hoping that is some of the issue.

mike, k5wmg

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