I have a Flex-3000 on an Windows 7 computer supplied by Neal running PowerSDR 2.1.2. I am using a PowerMaster meter to measure power output and SWR.

On receive everything works fine, but transmit is a problem. When I click TUNE, I get an indication on the PowerMaster of about 15 watts out with an SWR of 1.02. This is what would be expected from my settings in PowerSDR. However, if I click the MOX button, I show 0 watts out and no indication of SWR. My PowerSDR screen does show the transmit modulation when either TUNE or MOX is engaged.

Since I get a correct power and SWR reading when TUNE is engaged, I assume that my PowerMaster meter is working correctly. No doubt, I have something hooked up incorrectly or have entered an improper setting in PowerSDR. In the Mixer, I do have the Mic Input button checked and the bar raised to the highest level.

Any suggestions for help in correcting my "no transmit" power situation would be appreciated.

Gary Robertson

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