FYI...Ed, K0KC

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Ed Wilson <>
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 1, 2011 4:47 AM
Subject: Re: [FlexRadio] The big performance question

You might wish to take a look at the comparison referenced in the email below. 
This message was posted to an IC-7700 list of which I am a member:



Today I made a new layout of the ARRL/QST Product Reviews overview:

I hope you like it.

Hans Remeeus (PA1HR)
Communication is about people, the rest is technology.

Hans, I hope that you do not mind my sharing this information with the Flex 
Radio group.

Ed, K0KC

From: EverStaR <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 11:10 PM
Subject: [FlexRadio] The big performance question

When we are presented with specs then we are told the Flex 5000A is above 
average in receive performance but not as good as the K3 & FT-5000D.

So specs aside we have to consider the SDR tools we get with a flex vs the 
knobs, dials, and add-ons with other radios.

My real question here is using these two radios and their tools to their 
fullest, which can pull out a signal best from the mess?

Let's say we equip the FT-5000 with an L-Pan to provide a more equal toolset.

Forget cost here and all the other garblygook and focus on sheer reception and 
selectivity capability.

I do not post this to stir people up, I can buy one or the other and can see or 
use neither, so it leaves me to ask questions from those who may have 
experience with both.

I would prefer to here from someone that cares not about the fact that one 
radio has knobs old school and the other uses a mouse.

If I had a contest of pulling out extremely low and difficult to grab signals 
which one wins?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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