All right, back to history. In that period before time began and the only Flex radio was the 1000 and we still had (but didn't know it) another three or four months before the 5000A would begin ordinary shipping there was much discussion on the reflector on various topics: all speculation and mostly forgotten today. For example, at one point the equalizers had not been mentioned as a part of PowerSDR but thought to be "recommended" and thus there is now such a separate box in my shack that has never been connected. And then there was the discussion on the supply voltage accuracy needed by this marvelous rig and since one opinion was given that plus one tenth and minus two tenths from 13.8 would be a good idea you will now find a one farad capacitor in my system. Now, when it came to this strange new fire wire thing that no one knew anything about the discussion included admonishment to avoid cheap cables. And I think I was among the first to find this Granite Digital "doubly shielded" cable on line and since it also cost an arm and a leg I thought it must be good and purchased it---several months before the radio arrived at the door and I also told John Basilotto that I had found this marvelous product and the next thing I knew it was being recommended. I have used it since day one and have not had any RFI but I will say that there is very little distance between the radio and computer (two feet). Of course, by the time the 3000 was in the pipeline there had been enough complaints and Flex had started to ship their cable with the radio and that is what I use with the 3000. Again, no RFI problems but the computer-radio distance is short and I do believe in grounding as best I can. And I do continue to feel guilty that I have these "exciting" radios that others don't have for reasons of price or ignorance.


Lee  K9WRU
----- Original Message ----- From: "Steven Hess" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 6:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Flex 3K and 5K software shut down QRO.

I had to point out a contrary instance. The kicker is I am using the Granite
firewire cable now my SDR computer is not attached to the station ground
system without problems. I don't recommend this practice however. The stock
Firewire cable Flex ships with the radio is pretty darned good with only
ferrite at one end.

On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 5:42 AM, Ray, K9DUR <> wrote:


I probably should have qualified my statement with "In my experience...".
As someone else pointed out, EVERY installation is different & reacts
differently to the various "cures" for RF feedback.

That being said, I will say that yours is the ONLY occurrence that I have
heard of where the Granite Digital cable actually made the situation worse
instead of helping.

73, Ray, K9DUR

Steven L Hess ARS KC6KGE DM05gd22
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