Gary: Somewhere along the line VOX on VAC was broken. I wrote a KB on remothing 
your Flex using Teamviewer. Everything in the KB is still applicable today. 
However, the VOX stopped working on VAC a few versions back. I have tried 
checking various boxes, etc, but it doesnt work on VAC.


P.S. Now remote from Kauai, the Hawaiian Islands

From: K8EHB Gary <>
 few months ago I was using K9DUR's VoiceKeyer program during the Ohio QSO
arty. Things were going great but after a few hours of operating my leg
eeded a rest and I also was getting tired of having to chase down the
roaming" foot switch under my desk. So I decided to enable VOX and at
irst things seemed to be working properly, However, after a few
ransmissions I noticed my radio was keying up no longer putting out RF. So
 disabled VAC and things started working again (except for the voicekeyer
hich needs VAC). After sometime I enabled VAC again and after a few
ransmissions using VOX the problem reappeared. This time I disabled VOX
nd went back to the foot switch and things were back to normal. So based
n my experience it seems that you cannot use VOX when you have VAC
nabled. So my question is this a bug or by design in PowerSDR?

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