As I stated in my last post on this subject I am enjoying the heck out of my 80-10 meter 50 watt amp which is based on the ARRL Homebrew challenge winner from a few months back. I think I neglected to mention that the PCB for this amp is available from Hobby PCB and there is a whole Yahoo group devoted to the HBC projects ( ARRL HBC) where a full BOM and all kinds of additional help is available. It was my first experience with SMD's ( the smallest ones in the kit are 1205, easy enough to hand solder) and I had a blast building it. I do wish there were some higher powered options out there though in kit form. Something along the lines of 5 watts in and 300 to 400 watts out. That would be fun. I'm aware of the Communications Concepts designs but I'd like something a tad more "turn key" than that. At any rate, with what the Super Packer Pro kit goes for and the price of commercial offerings, I think the 125 dollars or so that I have in my HBC amp was money well spent. I even "stylized" it to match the 1500 with a black panel and some blue LED band indicators!
Michael, W4HIJ
On 12/3/2011 5:56 PM, Brian Lloyd wrote:
On Sat, Dec 3, 2011 at 2:52 PM, Ron Hahn (EI2JP)<>  wrote:

On 11/28/2011 5:37 AM, Terry Fox wrote:
Try the HF Projects Super Packer Pro kit.  It should cost less, does
auto-band-tuning (the micro does frequency counter thing), and is
available from Virgil here in the US.

Do you have a link for this kit?

I've also seen a ham from Isreal
advertising 35w and 140w amps for QRP radios. Any opinions?

No idea here.

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