
Are you closing PowerSDR before turning the radio off? The memory.xml file is held open until PowerSDR is closed, and PowerSDR may not close if communications to the radio is lost.. When this happens, the memory.xml and the database.xml may not write back correctly. So always, stop and close PowerSDR before turning the radio off.


On 12/30/2011 4:39 PM, Ralph W5JGV wrote:
Today was a beautiful winter day in north Louisiana. Light breeze, clear
sky, 75 degrees.  Just the day to work outside.  I really needed to rake the
leaves, but I decided to repair a broken antenna instead.  It is a 160 meter
dipole, and high winds had worked the wire at a pulley just enough to work
harden the wire and cause it to snap.

After repairing the wire and hoisting it in back place, I returned to the
Shack and cranked up the F5K to check the antenna.  After starting PSDR, I
found that the memory.xml file had been trashed once again.  It was blank;
all 30 or so entries were gone.

So off it went to my backup directory, and copied the backup memory.xml file
to the working directory.  I restarted PSDR, and guess what - the file was
trashed again.  Rinse and repeat a couple of more times, throw in a computer
reboot or two just for grins, and still the file gets trashed about every
third time it is accessed and then closed.

I finally resorted to making the memory.xml file read only, which solved the
trashing problem, but, of course, PSDR now complains bitterly about the fact
that it cannot "touch" the file every time either the memory form or PSDR
itself is closed.  But dealing with the error message is easier than
replacing the file every time PSDR decides to eat it for lunch.

Is there a fix in the pipeline?




Pretty Please?



Ralph  W5JGV - WD2XSH/7

PS - Happy New Year.

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