I have blissfully experienced 2 years of radio Nirvana with the F3K - until 
this past contest weekend.

Halfway through the ARRL DX contest, I got the above message every 20 minutes 
or so.  At first I thought it might be a corrupted database.  I reset the 
database but the problem continued.  I trudged on and simply restarted PowerSDR 
every time the problem occurred.

Post mortem, I thought the problem might be RF since I was cranking the 87A.  
However, I fired up the radio this morning with the amp off-line and I keep 
getting the same message every 15 minutes or so.

Nothing that I know of has changed with my current configuration.  Using:

PowerSDR v2.2.3
Neal Campbell computer with Windows XP

Any suggestions would be most appreciated.

I have been proclaiming the virtues of the Flex system to my contest club - 
boasting that my F3K can provide the same (or better) filtering and audio 
quality of the $10k+ JA rigs.

Would like to get this fixed so the boasting can continue (hi).

- Hunter, K3IE
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