I was digging through a dumpster out behind the Flex Radio offices and came
upon the following information scrawled on a notepad, heavily stained by
what looked like a chili-cheese burrito.  It appears that these forward
looking statements may give us some insight into what to expect from the
next release of power SDR.

Integrated data decoder utility very much like DDUtil only with 32 control
ports and the ability to switch between three different rigs.  The rotor
control window also has settings to interface with a garage door opener and
a beer dispenser.

Voice to CW converter.  When the selected mode is USB or LSB and VFO-A is
in the CW portion of any band, speak into the mic and PSDR sends out
perfect code, speed and weight adjustable by the operator.  No-code extras
will now be know-code extras.

Automatic Error Detection with Instant Online Support.  As soon as a crash
or error is detected, a Skype video call is instantly made by PSDR to Tim
or Dudley’s office, home, or cell phone.  You don’t even need to be in the
shack – Team Viewer pops up and they just fix whatever went wrong, sending
you an e-mail when it’s all better.

Support for a new wireless Flex Control device identical to the Nintendo
Wii.  Now you can work that 20-meter pileup and take a few inches off that
gut at the same time.

So there you have it.  ICOM, Yaesu, and Kenwood owners eat your heart out!



Steve Miller
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