>From Gary, K8EHB

>Planning to use FLEX5000 this year for Field Day. It will be operated off
>emergency power / generator out of a trailer. We're planning is to use the
>existing desktop computer that runs the F5K normally in the shack. Several
>club members have FlexRadio's and we forgot how painful it can be on the
>ears using a traditional radio. So we decided to bring a flex this year.

>Operating as K8ES 4A OH during Field Day weekend.

   I did that with the Sun City ARC in 2010 when we operated 5A in New Mexico.
Only I used a Flex 3K on a home brew AMD quad core/dual monitor set up. It 
real good. Picture on the ARRL web site under the Afilliated Club area of K5WPH.
I now have DDUtil to do the interfacing between N3FJP and 3K. Not much pain
in it. Some backlash from the "bare bones/radios only" gallery opposed to the 
control of anything.

73, Larry  WB8LBZ,  DM61 
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