I am looking for suggested transmit equalizer settings for my Heil Pro Elite Headphones. I am using a Flex-3000 running PowerSDR 2.4.4, DDUtil along with K9DUR's Voice Keyer. I use Audicity to prepare my recorded .wav files for use in Voice Keyer.

My current transmit filter settings are 200 low to 2900 high. My transmit equalizer settings are 32, 63, 125 = 0dB; 250, 500, 1K = +3dB; 2K, 4K = +6dB; 8k = +9dB; and 16k = +12db. These settings produce somewhat acceptable transmit audio for DX. However, they seem too bland and compressed for general rag chew situations.

The Heil Pro Set Elite headphones produce a flat response so that each user can tailor the audio transmit sound to their liking using the Flex equalizer function. I know that transmit equalizer settings are very, very subjective, dependent upon each individual's unique voice characteristics and subject to whether you are going for ragchew or penetrating DX. I know that you can set up a unique transmit profile for many different situations.

Assessing the "sound" of my voice using the MONITOR function is difficult for me given the inherent echo that occurs. Does anyone have a better suggestion for easily assessing how they actually sound when they transmit other than recording my voice in PowerSDR and playing back the resulting .wav file? I always transmit into a dummy load in these situations.

If anyone is using a Heil Pro Elite Headphone with their Flex radio, I would love to know what transmit equalizer settings that you are using for both ragchew and DX situations. Also, what transmit filter settings are you using for both ragchew and DX?

Your settings will likely become starting points for further experimentation on my part.

Gary Robertson

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